
In the world-wide wine and spirits industry, the chill-n-go® Six Bottle Salesperson's Bag is the single most-used bag; followed closely by chill-n-go's Wine on Wheels (WOW) series of insulated rolling bags. This is the result of a design, engineer and build criteria focusing on an end-use objective of creating the highest quality tool. The exact values and philosophies used in creating chill-n-go professional wine bags are applied across the spectrum of our manufacturing. On-demand OEM client manufacturing is grounded in attention to detail and quality yielding reliable, functional and lasting products. Examples include: professional photographic lens and filter pouches; cryogenic canister totes; film industry set lighting and controller cases; diabetic insulin pump cases/pouches; professional equine boots, supports and protectors; harnessing for the ergonomic movement of disabled people; highly adorned ministerial stoles and lectern cloths; professional magician bags, etc.


Made in the USA

chill-n-go, Inc. leases roughly 8,000 square feet of production area, plus just under 2,000 square feet of warehouse and fulfillment space.

The company owns and operates an abundance of commercial sewing equipment, including:

  • computerized pattern stitches

  • compound sewing machines

  • hot/cold zipper and webbing cutters

  • Tajima embroidery machines

  • hydraulic presses and cutters

  • textile/leather cutting equipment

Domestic manufacturing is vertically integrated; all segments of the process, from pattern cutting of rolled materials, through digitizing and embroidered adornment, then through the production/assembly floor, to the final QC and packaging processes, are performed internally.


Manufacturing in China

chill-n-go, Inc. maintains a definitive operational agreement for manufacturing capacity in China. Off-shore manufacturing provides two important components:

  • alternative client or customer options meeting economic objectives within longer-term time parameters.

  • manufacturing labor intensive chill-n-go® products under strict material and quality specification Example; most WOW bags (Wine on Wheels) begin in China, but are 'finished' in our domestic plant.

Significant time, resources and effort went into first, searching for and finding the right company/people; and second, 'working through' the quality construction methods and materials sourcing necessary to bear our trademark. The 'front end' result of this effort allows us to confidently maintain our lifetime warranty. It also meets a Core Value of Quality Manufacturing and adherence to our Core Purpose.

Need Assistance?

Call us at (800) 323-5013


Please don't hesitate to ask us:

  • Phone : (800) 323-5013
  • Phone : (916) 631-0102
  • International: +1 916 631-0102

Plant and Office Location:

3600 Sunrise Boulevard, #2
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742

Plant Hours:

Monday through Friday
7:30 am to 4:00 pm PST